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WHO IS Inno Supps?
1. The entity running and administering this competition is The Clean Supps LLC dba Inno Supps, a limited liability corporation registered in Delaware USA.

WHAT IS THE SHRED22 Challenge?
2. The SHRED22 Challenge is a monthly 22 day transformation challenge, hosted and operated by Inno Supps five (5) times during 2022, with the first monthly challenge starting on August, 1st 2022. During the challenge, entrants (Challengers) will be provided training, diet plans and supplementation guidance by Inno Supps via an e-book delivered to the email provided at time of purchase and monthly access to the fitness challenge gained by purchasing and/or subscribing to the SHRED22 Stack.

There will be a grand total of $50,000.00USD given away throughout the next five (5) calendar months, in which will have a total of fifteen (15) winners (one male, one female, one engaged community member per monthly challenge) during the months of August 2022 – December 2022.

A total of $24,000.00 USD will be given throughout the months of August 2022 – November 2022 and a total of $26,000.00 USD will be given to the SHRED22 Transformation challenge winners (2) and the community engagement winner (1) for December 2022.

August 2022 – November 2022 SHRED22 challenges will have three (3) winners per month: $2,500.00 per individual with the best transformation and $1,000 to one individual who was deemed the most engaged community ambassador of that month. December 2022 will two (3) winners: $12,500.00 per individual with the best transformation and one individual who had the most community involvement.

3. Entry to the competition will be active from the following days in Inno Supps’ local time (PST).
August $6,000USD Prize Pool Challenge: Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 - Friday, August 5th 2022
September $6,000USD Prize Pool Challenge: Saturday, August 6th, 2022 - Monday, September 5th, 2022
October $6,000USD Prize Pool Challenge: Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 - Wednesday, October 5th, 2022
November $6,000USD Prize Pool Challenge: Thursday, October 6th, 2022 - Saturday, November 5th, 2022
December $26,000USD Prize Pool Challenge: Sunday, November 6th, 2022 - Monday, December 5th, 2022

4. Challengers must be 18 years of age or over and deem themselves capable of participating in such a challenge (with responsibility on the entrant to seek medical clearance or assessment if required prior to participating in the challenge.)
Entrants assume all risk and liability by entering the challenge.

5. Entry to this competition is via a successful submission of the Entry form, which is emailed to the entrant at the time of a successful subscription and/or purchase of the SHRED22 Stack. Entry form includes, but is not limited to, the name, e-mail address, age, and progress photos. For an entry to be valid, all information provided must be valid and current at time of submission.
In order to be considered for the $25,000USD prize pool, once an entrant subscribes to any SHRED22 eligible stack, they must demonstrate consecutive use of the stack up until Day 22 of the December 2022 challenge by purchasing and/or staying subscribed to eligible stacks. By canceling, failing to pay, pausing their subscription, or not completing a purchase monthly before the December 2022 entry dates, entrants waive their ability to be considered for the $25,000 USD prize pool for December.

6. Limit of one (1) entry per person. Attempts to create multiple entries can result in complete disqualification from challenge.

7. Inno Supps reserves the right to verify the eligibility of any entrant at any stage during the competition. If a chargeback is filed or if the customer returns the supplements purchased to enter, Inno Supps reserves the right to disqualify the entrant completely.

8. To be eligible to be a chosen prize winner, entrants must:
a. submit to Inno Supps via its specified upload method two (2) unedited progress photos (of the front and side) and a video on the following milestone periods holding the date authentication placard (or other relevant time-stamp verification tool specified and administered by Inno Supps);
Day 1 of Challenge (late entries accepted until the fifth of each month)
b. log their weight on the following milestone periods using the Inno Supps specified upload method;
Day 22 of Challenge (late entries accepted until the 27th of each month)
c. purchase and use Inno Supps supplements during the SHRED22 Challenge and document their usage of Inno Supps supplements on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube) using the relevant hashtags and video descriptions as specified by Inno Supps (evidence of purchase must be retained by the entrant);
d. maintain their good fame, repute and character and not do anything that is illegal or anything that would be reasonably perceived to be derogatory or insulting or tarnish the reputation of Inno Supps; and
e. must not be an employee, contractor or agent of Inno Supps or its related entities (including spouses, parents, siblings and children) and persons living in the same household.

9. The prize pool of USD $6,000 per challenge and the specified breakdown of the prize pool will be confirmed by Inno Supps at the commencement of each SHRED22 Challenge. The cash element of the prize pool will be denominated in United States Dollars for the SHRED22 Challenge.
10. Prizes are given without any warranty (express or implied) and the winner is solely responsible for additional charges, one-off or on-going payments and any relevant, state or national taxes and statutory charges/duties, not expressly covered in the prize pool description.

11. The winner will be chosen by an independent panel of competition judges chosen by Inno Supps.

12. Selection criteria is based on a subjective assessment of effort, progress and commitment (and is not based on a “game of chance” nor “lotto”) including the following criteria, but is not limited to:
a. Physical transformation, including fat loss, lean muscle gain, body definition, improved posture;
b. Consistency of logging weight changes, measurements and photo check-ins;
c. Embracement of their journey and the SHRED22 Challenge through Social Media presence, including engaging in SHRED22 Challenge forums (Facebook, Instagram & YouTube), encouraging other challengers and providing valuable content and information throughout the challenge; and
d. Document their usage of Inno Supps supplements on social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) using the relevant hashtags and video descriptions as specified by Inno Supps.

13. Winners will be announced via Inno Supps and SHRED22 Challenge Social Media channels. Winner will also be contacted via the email address provided at entry. Winners have 3 business days to contact Inno Supps and fill out the forms necessary and claim their prize. For sudden, unforeseen circumstances, Inno Supps will aim to administer leniency on a case-by-case basis, however this cannot be guaranteed. Once the entrant(s) have claimed their Prize and or Experience, they will be notified of further details.

14. By entering the SHRED22 Challenge and thereby agreeing to the terms and conditions, Challengers give permissions to Inno Supps to use their name, transformation progress results, story, photos, likeness, voice, video and biographical information in marketing material including but not limited to; Online, Social Media, Television, Print, Out-Of-Home. This use is perpetual, royalty-free and non-exclusive. Submission of photos, videos, audio and biographical information constitutes entrant’s consent for Inno Supps to use and publish content and information with appropriate credit.

15. Inno Supps advises all entrants to seek prior professional medical and/or dietetics advice, and is not responsible for any personal injury, damages or losses to entrants.
16. Inno Supps will not be held responsible for any personal injury, damages or loss of the Prize once the Participant has received it.
17. Use of any illegal or banned substances during the SHRED22 Challenge to achieve results is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification from the challenge.
18. This competition is subject to all relevant state and federal laws of participating jurisdictions.